Friday, October 12, 2007

first week in the village

I've been living in a village with a host family for the past week. There are 4 other PC trainees in my village, and we have Turkmen language class for about 4-5 hours each day, which means too much vocab for my brain to process. However the people in my group are pretty cool and our language teacher is awesome; she's 18 and is fluent in 4 languages. I hope hanging out with a bunch of Americans isn't a bad influence on her.

My host mom is a sweetie and about the same age as my real mom. I live with her, her younger son and his wife (who are each a few years older than me), and their two kids; and 4 year old girl and 2 year old boy. The 4 year is really good about showing me how to do things and correcting my pronounciation. The 2 year old is a cutie and super funny; I know the word for "mischievous child" in Turkmen and it comes in handy.


Sarah Louise Smith said...

how do you say "roll tide" in turkmen?

Sarah Louise Smith said...

ok...seriously though...tell us about the town!